Monday, February 21, 2011

My students

Let me tell you a bit more about my students, as it will be their stories that I will share throughout my journey in this blog.

K. is a 3 year old boy, full of joy and happiness. His initial diagnose is autism, though he does not really fit into the typical description of autistic child, thus still undergoing doctors' assessments. He is probably my toughest case, as observed by an outsider. Nevertheless, he is one of the biggest reasons why I decided to stay in the field. I have been working with K. since spring 2010. We meet twice a week, for half an hour sessions.

N. is a 5 year old girl, diagnosed with mental development delay. She has problems with eye sight, alongside difficulties in speech, eye contact and cognitive functions. Nour is still a 'dark horse' for me. I have been working with her for past 3 months, delivering two 30 min sessions per week. N. shows a particular interest in movement, and rhythm, though I am still finding my way for the best program for N., that fits both her interest and her needs.

Z. is a 5 year old girl, smart and bright, with speech development delay. Her mental development is on the level of other children in her class, however, she has troubles communicating, articulating sounds, managing social conversation, and has challenges with eye contact. She is the only child in the family, and her mother took her to kindergarden only a month ago. Thus, absence of siblings or kids to play with in the area contributed to her speech delay. She absolutely loves music, singing and playing rhythm.

These are my only students at the moment, and while I am quite confident about my progress with K., my program for N. is still lacking its momentum, as well as more ideas for my activities with Z. would be needed.

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